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Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Engineering
Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Engineering 

Results of eniPROD

eniPRODNet is the data base of the Cluster of Excellence for online inquiries for the results from all Fields of Action and Research Groups of the eniPROD® project. The data sets contain the following information:

  • Short titel of each single result
  • Research approach
  • Application potential for the industry
  • Contribution to energy and ressource efficiency
  • Current development status
  • Further information and publications
  • Contact person

Search Possibilities

In eniPRODNet you could use three different search possibilities:

The first two search possibilities are additionally separated according to their field of application within a company. In the search you investigate according to keywords from the short titel from the results.

eniPRODNet represents the results at the time from the internal results survey (April 2014). Newer results will be highlighted separately. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

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