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Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Engineering


Only publications in English are listet here. You can find more publications on the German publication site.

Field of Action Virtual Product Development


Lang, J.; Rünger, G. (2013): High-Resolution Power Profiling of GPU Functions Using Low-Resolution Measurement. In: Wolf, F.; Mohr, B.; Mey, D. an (ed.): EuroPar 2013 - Parallel Processing: Springer, Bd. 8097, pp. 801–812.

Meyer, A. (2013): The Koiter shell equation in a coordinate free description - extended. Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprintpp. Chemnitz. Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany.

Reichel, T.; Rünger, G. (2013): Multi-Criteria Decision Support for Manufacturing Process Chainpp. Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte CSR-13-02. Chemnitz. Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany.

Weise, M.; Meyer, A. (23.-25.09.2013): On the Q2-Q0 element for nearly incompressible material under large deformationpp. "26th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2013". Annaberg-Buchholz.

Quellmalz, J.; Rehm, M.; Schlegel, H.; Drossel, W. -G: A model comparison performance index for servo drive control. In: Březina, T.; Jabloński, R. (ed.): Mechatronics 2013 - Recent Technological and Scientific Advancepp. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer, pp. 709–716.


Balg, M.; Lang, J.; Meyer, A.; Rünger, G. (2012): Array-based reduction operations for a parallel adaptive FEM. In: Facing the Multicore Challenge III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bd. 7686): Springer-Verlag .

Balg, M.; Meyer, A. (9. - 13.07.2012): An adaptive mixed finite element method for nonlinear elastic incompressibility with large deformationpp. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference. Graz, Austria.

Balg, M.; Meyer, A. (24.-26.09.2012): Compressible and incompressible material under large deformationpp. 25th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2012. Poster. Chemnitz, 24.-26.09.2012.

Balg, M.; Meyer, A. (2012): Fast simulation of (nearly) incompressible nonlinear elastic material at large strain via adaptive mixed FEM. Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprints CSC/12-03. Chemnitz. Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany

Bierer, A.; Götze, U. (2012): Energy cost accounting: conventional and flow-oriented approachepp. In: Journal of Competitiveness, Jg. 4, H. 2, pp. 128–144.

Bierer, A.; Götze, U.; Schubert, A. (2012): Energy Efficiency and Cost Controlling - Implications for Powertrain Manufacturing. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Ressourceneffiziente Technologien für den Powertrain - Proceedings of the International Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium ICMC 2012/2nd International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 519–539.

Klimant, P.; Pürzel, F.; Neugebauer, R.; Kuhl, M.; Wittstock, V. (2012): Fields of Application of Coupling a Real NC Control Unit with Virtual Reality Technology. In: ASME 2012 - International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Chicago, USA .

Maciaszek, L.; Cuzzocrea, A.; Cordeiro, J. (ed.) (2012): Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systempp. 2 Bände. Portugal: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications (2).

Neugebauer, R.; Klimant, P.; Witt, M. (2012): Realistic Machine Simulation with Virtual Reality. In: Chryssolouris, G.; Mourtzis, D. (ed.): Conference on Manufacturing Systempp. 45th CIRP CMS 2012 - 16-18 May 2012. Athen, Griechenland .

Reichel, T.; Rünger, G. (2012): Prioritization of Product Requirements using the Analytic Hierachy Procespp. In: Maciaszek, L.; Cuzzocrea, A.; Cordeiro, J. (ed.): Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systempp. Portugal: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications (2), pp. 70–76.

Wenzel, K.; Reinhardt, H. (2012): Mathematical Computations for Linked Data Applications with OpenMath. 24th OpenMath Workshop. In: Davenport, J.; Jeuring, J.; Lange, C.; Libbrecht, P. (ed.): The OpenMath and MathUI Workshops and Work in Progress at CICM 2012. Bremen, Germany.

Wenzel, K.; Tisztl, M. (2012): Linking Process Models and Operating Data for Exploration and Visualization. In: Anastasiou, A.; Ramos, L.; Krima, pp.; Chen, Y. (ed.): OSEMA 2012 - Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing. Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing. Graz, Austria.


Balg, M.; Meyer, A. (2011): Numerical simulation of (nearly) incompressible material, using adaptive mixed finite element method. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Jg. 11, H. 1, pp. 761–762.

Balg, M.; Meyer, A. (20.04.2011): Numerical simulation of (nearly) incompressible material, using adaptive, mixed FEM. "GAMM, 82nd Annual Meeting". Graz, Austria.

Bierer, A.; Götze, U. (2011): A target Costing -based Approach for the Design to Energy Efficiency. In: 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Braunschweig, Germany.

Bierer, A.; Götze, U. (2011): A Target Costing-based Approach for Design to Energy Efficiency. In: Hesselbach, J.; Herrmann, Chr (ed.): Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing Proceedings of the 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Berlin u.a.: Springer Verlag, pp. 635–640.

Bierer, A.; Götze, U. (28.04.2011): Energy cost as subject in cost accounting. "5th International Scientific Conference on Finance and the Performance of the Firms in Science, Education, and Practice". Zlin, Czech Republic.

Culley, pp. J.; Hicks, B. J.; McAloone, T. C., et al. (ed.) (2011): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design ICED11. Vol. 10. Glasgow, UK: The Design Society.

Ilmenau University of Technology (2011): 56th International Scientific Colloquium. 12.-16.09.2011.

Krellner, B.; Kunis, R.; Rünger, G. (2011): Modeling of Energy-Sensitive Manufacturing Processepp. In: Proceedings of the 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2011). Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 334–340.

Meyer, A.; Balg, M. (28.-30.09.2011): Incompressible, elastic materials and large deformationpp. 24th Chemnitz FEM Symposium. Holzhau, Germany.

Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2011): Energy -Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Eingineering. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Special Issue, Jg. 4, 2.

Neugebauer, R.; Hellmich, A.; Hofmann, pp.; Schlegel, H. (2011): Non-Invasive Parameter Identification by Using the Least Squares Method. In: The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, Jg. LVIII, H. 2, pp. 185–194.

Neugebauer, R.; Hellmich, A.; Hofmann, pp.; Schlegel, H. (2011): Non-Invasive Parameter Indentification by using the Least Squares Method. In: The Archive of Mechanical Engineering.

Neugebauer, R.; Quellmalz, J.; Walther, M.; Schlegel, H. (2011): Simulation and control of a servo drive with oscillatory mechanicpp. In: 56th International Scientific Colloquium. 12.-16.09.2011 .

Reichel, T.; Rünger, G.; Steger, D.; Frieß, U.; Wabner, M. (2011): Energy Data Acquisition and Utilization for Energy-Oriented Product Data Management. In: Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2011). Berlin, Heidelberg, Braunschweig: Springer, pp. 513–518.

Reichel, T.; Rünger, G.; Steger, D.; Xu, H. (2011): IT Support for the Creation and Validation of Requirements Specifications - with a Case Study for Energy Efficiency. In: Culley, pp. J.; Hicks, B. J.; McAloone, T. C.; Howard, T.; Dong, A. (ed.): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design ICED11. Vol. 10. Glasgow, UK: The Design Society, pp. 167–177.


Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2010): Proceedings 1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Chemnitz, Germany.

Neugebauer, R.; Frieß, U.; Paetzold, J.; Wabner, M.; Richter, F. (15.-18. März 2010): Approach for the Development of Energy-Efficient Machine Toolpp. "XXI CIRP Conference Knowledge Based Manufacturing". Karpacz, Poland.

Neugebauer, R.; Hellmich, A.; Hofmann, pp.; Schlegel, H. (2010): Non-invasive Parameter Identification by Using the Least Squares Method. Mechatronic Systems and Materials MSM 2010, 6th International Conference. Opole, Poland.

Neugebauer, R.; Hellmich, A.; Hofmann, pp.; Schlegel, H. (5.8. Juli 2010): Non-Invasive Parameter Identification by Using the Least Squares Method. "6th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials". Opole, Poland.

Neugebauer, R.; Klimant, P.; Wittstock, V. (19.-21. April 2010): Virtuality-Based-Simulation of NC Programs for Milling Machinepp. "CIRP Design Conference". Nantes, France.

Neugebauer, R.; Wittstock, V.; Glänzel, J.; Pätzold, M.; Schumann, M. (2010): VR-Tools for the Development of Energy-Efficient Productpp. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Energieeffiziente Produkt- und Prozessinnovationen in der Produktionstechnik/ Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovation in Production Engineering. 1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 657–676.

Neugebauer, R.; Zickner, H.; Wittstock, V. (22.-25. Juni 2010): VR- Application in the Development of Resource-Efficient Productpp. CIRP ICME International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. Capri, Italy, 22.-25. June 2010.

Reichel, T.; Rünger, G.; Steger, D. (2010): Flexible Workflows for an Energy-Oriented Product Development Procespp. In: Business Process and Service Science - Proc. of ISSS and BPSC. Leipzig, Germany, pp. 243–254.

Rünger, G.; Götze, U.; Putz, M.; Bierer, A.; Lorenz, pp.; Reichel, T. et al. (2010): IT Systems Integration for the Development of Energy-Efficient Productpp. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Energieeffiziente Produkt- und Prozessinnovationen in der Produktionstechnik/ Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovation in Production Engineering. 1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 677–696.

Rünger, G.; Götze, U.; Putz, M.; Bierer, A.; Reichel, T.; Steger, D.; Wenzel, K. (24. 25. Juni 2010): IT Systems Integration for the Development of Energy-Efficient Productpp. "1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD". Chemnitz, Germany.

Wittstock, V.; Drossel, W. -G; Schlegel, H.; Klimant, P.; Hellmich, A.; Quellmalz, J. (2010): Virtual Prototypes for an Energy-Optimized Product Development Process via Hardware in the Loop Simulation. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Tagungsband/Proceedings 1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Chemnitz, Germany, pp. 697–712.

Field of Action Production Systems


Hellmich, A.; Hofmann, pp.; Hipp, K.; Schlegel, H.; Drossel, W. -G (2013): Assessing the accuracy of a non-invasive identification method. International Symposium on Electrodynamic and Mechatronic System (SELM). 15.-18.05.2013. Zawiercie, Poland, pp. 11–12.

Rehm, M.; Quellmalz, J.; Schlegel, H.; Drossel, W. -G (2013): Control structures for opposed driving, coupled linear drivepp. In: Brezina, T.; Jablonski, R. (ed.): Mechatronics 2013 - Recent Technological und Scientific Advancepp. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 717–724.

Rehm, M.; Schlegel, H.; Drossel, W. -G (2013): Control strategies for mechanichally-coupled high speed linear drivepp. In: AMM - Applied Mechanics and Materials, H. Volpp. 416-417, pp. 637–645.

Wittstock, V.; Kolouch, M.; Paetzold, J. (2013): Statistical evaluation of impact factors to the energy consumption of machine toolpp. In: Journal of Machine Engineering, Jg. 13, H. 2, pp. 92–102.

Rehm, M.; Schlegel, H.; Drossel. W.-G.: Control strategies for mechanichally-coupled high speed linear drivepp. In: Liu, X.; Ye, Y. (ed.): The 9th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications LDIA’2013. 7.-10.07.2013 .


Drossel, W. -G; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Richter, C. (2012): Thermal Interactions between the Process and Workpiece. In: 3rd CIRP Conference on Process Machine Interactionpp. Nagoya, Japan .

Frieß, U. (4.-7.06.2012): New high-speed machine tool structure by holistic mechatronic systems design. "CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting". Zürich, Switzerland.

Götze, U.; Koriath, H. -J; Kolesnikov, A.; Lindner, R.; Paetzold, J. (2012): Integrated methodology for the evaluation of the energy- and cost-effectiveness of machine toolpp. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, H. 5, pp. 151–163.

Neugebauer, R.; Ben-Hanan, U.; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Wabner, M.; Stoll, A. (2012): Acoustic emission as a tool for identifying drill position in fiber-reinforced plastic and aluminum stackpp. In: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Jg. 52, H. 1, pp. 20–26.

Neugebauer, R.; Priber, U.; Rentzsch, H.; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Hoffmann, D. (2012): Mobile Systems for Machining Large Work Piecepp. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV2011). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. pp. 135 - 140.

Neugebauer, R.; Wabner, M.; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Frieß, U.; Schneider, F.; Schubert, F. (2012): Bionics Based Energy Efficient Machine Tool Design. In: Proceedings of the 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2012: Elsevier .

Neugebauer, R.; Wabner, M.; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Frieß, U.; Schneider, F.; Schubert, F. (2012): Design Principles Inspired by Bionics for Energy Efficient Machine Toolpp. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the International Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium ICMC 2012/2nd International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 221–245.

Rentzsch, H. (16.-18.05.2012): Bionic Based Energy Efficient Machine Tool Design. "45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems". Athen, Greece.

Neugebauer, R.; Winternheimer, pp.; Kolesnikov, A.; Richter, M.: The Usage of Supercapacitors for Energy Storage Systems in the DC-Link of Machine Toolpp. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe .


Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Neugebauer, R.; Drossel, W. -G; Rentzsch, H.; Schwaar, M. (21.-27.08.2011): Mobile Machines - An Approach for Energy Efficiency in Machining of Large Partpp. "61st CIRP General Assembly". Budapest, Hungary.

Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2011): Energy -Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Eingineering. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Special Issue, Jg. 4, 2.

Neugebauer, R.; Bucht, A.; Pagel, K.; Wolf, K.; Drossel, W. -G (2011): Design and Modeling of a self-sufficient Shape-Memory-Actuator. In: Proceedings of SPIE Smart Materials and Structurepp. San Diego (USA) .

Neugebauer, R.; Drossel, W. -G; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Richter, C. (26.-28.01.2011): Correction and Compensation of Thermal Deformation on the Example of Feed Drives and Frame Unitpp. "CIRP "Paris January Meetings"". Paris, France.

Neugebauer, R.; Hellmich, A.; Hofmann, pp.; Schlegel, H. (2011): Non Invasive Identification of Servo Drive Parameterpp. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Mechatronics 2011. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 79–87.

Neugebauer, R.; Kolesnikov, A.; Richter, M. (2011): Energy efficient Storage Systems in the DC Link for the Drive Unit of Machine Toolpp. In: 14th International Conference on Power Electronics and Applicationpp. Birmingham, UK, pp. 1–10.

Neugebauer, R.; Quellmalz, J.; Schönherr, R.; Schlegel, H. (2011): Control of a Servo-Pneumatic Experimental Rig. In: The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, Jg. LVIII, H. 2, pp. 195–207.

Neugebauer, R.; Richter, C.; Fischer. pp.; Müller, E.; Schädlich, K. (2011): Sustainable increases of energy efficiency by holistically considered structures of factory systempp. A study of thermal interactions between production processes and factory buildingpp. In: Drukarnia Oficyny Wydawniczej Politechniki Wroclawskiej (ed.): CIRP XXII Conference on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systempp. Karpacz, Poland .

Neugebauer, R.; Scheffler, C.; Wabner, M.; Schulten, M. (2011): Practical Implementation of the State Space Modelling of Non-Proportional Damped Systems Into a Mechatronical Simulation. In: NAFEMS Magazin.

Neugebauer, R.; Scheffler, C.; Wabner, M.; Zwingenberger, C. (2011): Advanced calculation of static and dynamic stiffness in mechatronic machine toolpp. In: International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, H. Volume 4, Numbers 3-4, pp. pp. 370-384.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation 3CA (2011). Zhuhai, China.

Rehm, M.; Quellmalz, J.; Schlegel, H.; Neugebauer, R. (2011): Mechanically linked, gravity free linear drives test bench. In: Book of Abstractpp. LDIA 2011. Linear Drives for Industry Applicationpp. Eindhoven, Netherlandpp.

Richter, C.; Fischer, pp.; Neugebauer, R.; Müller, E.; Schädlich, K. (2011): Sustainable Increases of Energy Efficiency by Holistically Considered Structures of Factory Systempp. In: Journal of Machine Engineering, Jg. 11, H. 1-2.

Sendzik, A.; Schulze, pp.; Günther, M.; Richter, F.; Hietschold, M. (März 2011): Electron microscopy study of amorphous SiCN hard coatingpp. "Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft". Dresden, Germany.


Blau, P.; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Nestmann, pp.; Neugebauer, R.; Richter, C.; Schmidt, G. (29.-30.10.2010): Thermal Effects of the Chip Removal Process and Ways of Mastering Them. "ICMC 2010". Chemnitz, Germany.

Neugebauer, R.; Ihlenfeldt, pp.; Nestmann, pp.; Schmidt, G.; Blau, P.; Richter, C. (2010): Thermal Effects of the Chip Removal Process and Ways of Mastering Them. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Tagungsband zum International Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium ICMC 2010. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten .

Neugebauer, R.; Kolesnikov, A.; Richter, M.; Paetzold, J. (08. September 2010): Improvement of the Power Factor Correction in Machine Toolpp. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 14th International Power Electronics ans Motion Control Conference.

Neugebauer, R.; Quellmalz, J.; Schönherr, R.; Schlegel, H. (5.-8. Juli 2010): Control of a Servo-Pneumatic Experimental Rig. Opole, Polen (6th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials), 5.-8. July 2010.

Neugebauer, R.; Richter, M.; Kolesnikov, A.; Paetzold, J. (06.-08. September 2010): A new method of the dynamic power factor correction in machine toolpp. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference), 06.-08. September 2010.

Neugebauer, R.; Scheffler, C.; Wabner, M.; Schulten, M. (13.September 2010): Advanced state space modeling of non-proportional damped machine tool mechanicpp. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, pp. 1-8-8.

Neugebauer, R.; Wabner, M.; Rentzsch, H.; Kocourek, P.; Ihlenfeldt, pp. (2010): Structure Principles of Energy Efficient Machine Toolpp. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovation in Production Engineering. 1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 207–230.

Neugebauer, R.; Wabner, M.; Rentzsch, H.; Scheffler, C.; Kolesnikov, A. (2010): Development Approaches for Energy Efficient Machine Tool Structurepp. Zürich, Schweiz: Springer IFIP Series (IMS Summer School 2010).

Neugebauer, R.; Wabner, M.; Rentzsch, H.; Scheffler, C.; Kolesnikov, A. (26.-28. Mai 2010): Energy Efficiency and Effectiviness on Machine Tool Level. "IMS Summer School 2010". Zürich, Switzerland.

Quellmalz, J. (5.-8. Juli 2010): Control of a Servo-Pneumatic Experimental Rig. "6th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials". Opole, Polen.

Neugebauer, R.; Scheffler, C.; Wabner, M.; Schulten, M.: State space modeling on non-proportional passive damping in machine toolpp. In: International Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology, Jg. 13. September.2010.

Neugebauer, R.; Wabner, M.; Rentzsch, H.; Kocourek, P.; Ihlenfeldt, pp.: Structure Principles of Energy Efficient Machine Toolpp. In: Neugebauer (ed.) 2010 – Tagungsband/Proceedings 1, pp. 207–229.


Neugebauer, R.; Wabner, M.; Koch, T.; Drossel, W. -G (August 2009): Discussion of Key Figures and Methods for Comparison of Energy Needs of Machine Toolpp. "CIRP General Assembly". Boston, USA.

Field of Action Process Chain Powertrain


Hälsig, A.; Mayr, P. (2013): Energy balance study of gas-shielded arc welding processepp. In: Welding in the World, Jg. 57, H. 5, pp. 727–734.

Hälsig, A.; Podlesak, F.; Mayr, P.; Trautmann, M.; Döhler, C.; Nestler, D.; Wielage, B. (2013): Dissimilar joints between metal and fibre-reinforced plasticpp. In: Wanner, A.; Weidenmann, K. A. (ed.): Verbundwerkstoffe. 19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde. Karlsruhe, Germany.


Fischer, A. (15.-18.08.2012): Polyhedral combinatorics for the asymmetric quadratic traveling salesman problem. Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization FRICO 2012. Berlin, Germany.

Fischer, A. (19.-24.08.2012): The asymmetric quadratic traveling salesman problem. 21. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming ISMP 2012. Berlin, Germany.

Hälsig, A.; Kusch, M.; Mayr, P. (2012): New Findings on the Efficiency of Gas Shielded Arc Welding. In: Welding in the World, Jg. 56, H. 11-12, pp. 98–104.

Hälsig, A.; Mayr, P. (09.-11.07.2012): Energy balance study of gas shielded arc welding processepp. 65th Annual Assembly and International Conference of the International Institute of Welding. Denver, USA.

Hälsig, A.; Mayr, P. (11.-13.09.2012): New findings on the efficiency of gas shielding arc welding. 2nd IIW European-South American School of Welding and Correlated Processepp. Wels, Austria.

Lorenz, pp.; Hesse, M.; Fischer, A. (2012): Simulation and Optimization of Robot Driven Production Systems for Peak-Load Reduction. In: Laroque, C.; Himmelspach, J.; Pasupathy, R.; Rose, O.; Uhrmacher, A. M. (ed.): Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference. Berlin, Germany.

Schubert, A.; Steinert, P.; Schmidt, T.; Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. (2012): Manufacturing of Tribologically Optimized Surfaces for Powertrain Applicationpp. In: Key Engineering Materials, Jg. 523-524, pp. 799–804.


Fischer, A.; Helmberg, C. (16.-19.05.2011): A Traveling Salesman Problem with Quadratic Cost Structure. "SIAM Conference on Optimization". Darmstadt, Germany.

Fischer, A.; Helmberg, C. (10.-14.01.2011): A Traveling Salesman Problem with Quadratic Cost Structure. "15th Combinatorial Optimization Workshop". Aussois, France.

Fischer, A.; Helmberg, C. (30.08.-02.09.2011): The Symmetric Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem. "International Conference on Operations Research". Zürich, Switzerland.

Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2011): Energy -Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Eingineering. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Special Issue, Jg. 4, 2.

Neugebauer, R.; Avila, M.; Masek, B. (2011): Thermomechanical simulation of the service load transients of hot forging toolpp. In: Proceedings of the 8th Czech Forging Society Conference. May 10-11. Jihlava, Czech Republic.

Neugebauer, R.; Hochmuth, C.; Schmidt, G.; Dix, M. (12.-13.05.2011): Energy Efficient Process Planning Based on Numerical Simulationpp. "13th International Conference on Modelling Operations 2011". Sintra, Portugal.

Neugebauer, R.; Hochmuth, C.; Schmidt, G.; Dix, M. (2011): Energy Efficient Process Planning Based on Numerical Simulationpp. In: Advanced Materials Research, H. Volume 23, pp. 212–221.

Neugebauer, R.; Schubert, A.; Avila, M.; Sylla, D.; Schmidt, T. (07-08.03.2011): Multi-Scale Structures for Influencing the Tribological Properties of Metallic Surfacepp. "ASPE-American Society for Precision Engineering Spring Topical Meeting, Structured and Freeform Surfaces". University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA.

Rünger, G.; Schubert, A.; Goller, pp.; Krellner, B.; Steger, D. (2011): Integrating Energy-Saving Process Chains and Product Data Modelpp. In: Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2011). Berlin, Heidelberg, Braunschweig: Springer, pp. 519–524.

Schubert, A.; Goller, pp.; Sonntag, D.; Nestler, A. (25.-27.05.2011): Implementation of Energy-Related Aspects into Model-Based Design of Processes and Process Chainpp. "International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing". Tampere, Finland.

Schubert, A.; Neugebauer, R.; Sylla, D.; Avila, M.; Hackert, M. (2011): Manufacturing of surface microstructures for improved tribological efficiency of powertrain components and forming toolpp. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Jg. 4, H. 2, pp. 200–207.

Sygulla, R.; Bierer, A.; Götze, U. (01.-03.06.2011): Material Flow Cost Accounting. Proposals for Improving the Evaluation of Monetary Effects of Resource Saving Process Designpp. "44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems". Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Sygulla, R.; Bierer, A.; Götze, U.: Material flow cost accounting. Proposals for Improving the Evaluation of Monetary Effects of Resource Saving Process Designpp. In: 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systempp.


Fischer, A.; Helmberg, C. (13.-15. September 2010): A traveling salesperson problem with quadratic cost structure. "Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithmus (ODSA 2010)". Rostock, Germany.

Götze, U.; Helmberg, C.; Rünger, G.; Schubert, A.; Goller, pp.; Krellner, B. et al. (2010): Integrating Energy Flows in Modeling Manufacturing Processes and Process Chains of Powertrain Componentpp. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovation in Production Engineering. 1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 409–438.

Matthes, K. -J; Putz, M.; Todtermuschke, M.; Böhme, J.; Hälsig, A. (2010): Methods and Characteristic Values in Energy Analysis of Handling, Assembling and Joining Processepp. In: Neugebauer, R. (ed.): Energy-Efficient Product and Process Innovation in Production Engineering. 1. International Colloquium of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 483–504.

Neugebauer, R.; Schönherr, J.; Rennau, A. (2010): Industrie im Spannungsfeld zwischen Staat und Käufer. In: Die Wirtschaftszeitung für die deutsche Industrie, Jg. 2010, Ausgabe 28/2010, 15. Juli 2010, pp. 12.

Neugebauer, R.; Wertheim, R.; Hochmuth, C.; Schmidt, G.; Dix, M. (24.-26.10.2010): Modelling of Energy and Resource-Efficient Machining. "4th CIRP International Conference on High Performance Cutting 2010". Gifu, Japan.

Field of Action Process Chain Car Body Structures


Neugebauer, R.; Schieck, F.; Pierschel, N.; Schönherr, J.; Rautenstrauch, A.; Mosel, A.; Polster, pp. (13.-16.05.2012): Press Hardening. An Innovative and Challenging Technology. "3rd International Lower Silesia-Saxony Conference (AutoMetForm)". Wroclaw, Poland.

Neugebauer, R.; Schieck, F.; Polster, pp.; Mosel, A.; Rautenstrauch, A.; Schönherr, J.; Pierschel, N. (2012): Press hardening - An innovative and challenging technology. In: Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, H. Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 113–118.


3rd International Conference Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel CHS². 13.-17.06.2011, Kassel (2011). Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten.

Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2011): Energy -Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Eingineering. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Special Issue, Jg. 4, 2.

Neugebauer, R.; Göschel, A.; Rautenstrauch, A.; Meza-Garcia, E. (2011): Influence of the steel alloy composition on phase transitions and its applicability to hot forming procespp. In: Steel Research International - Special Edition of the 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity ICTP 2011, pp. 429–434.

Neugebauer, R.; Göschel, A.; Rautenstrauch, A.; Meza-Garcia, E. (2011): Material versus technical process design of the hot sheet metal forming. In: CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 2011. Online verfügbar unter www.elsevier.com/locate/cirp.

Neugebauer, R.; Göschel, A.; Schieck, F.; Rautenstrauch, A.; Mosel, A.; Cai, H. (2011): Enhancement of process stability and part quality for the press hardening of sheet metal. In: 3rd International Conference Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel CHS². 13.-17.06.2011, Kassel. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten .

Neugebauer, R.; Schieck, F.; Göschel, A.; Schönherr, J. (2011): Heuristic-based Evaluation of Energy Flows in Press Hardening Process Chainpp. In: Duflou, J. R.; Clarke, R.; Merklein, M. (ed.): Sheet Metal 2011. Key Engineering Materialpp. 14th International Conference on Sheet Metal, 18th-20th April 2011. Leuven, Belgium: Trans Tech Publications, Vol. 473, pp. 816–823.

Neugebauer, R.; Schieck, F.; Rautenstrauch, A. (2011): Process design of press hardening with gradient material property influence. In: 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming. Belfast, Ireland .

Schönherr, J. (18.-20.04.2011): Heuristic-based Evaluation of Energy Flows in Press Hardening Process Chainpp. "14th International Conference on Sheet Metal". Leuven, Belgium.

Field of Action Materials and Structures


Hälsig, A.; Podlesak, F.; Mayr, P.; Trautmann, M.; Döhler, C.; Nestler, D.; Wielage, B. (2013): Dissimilar joints between metal and fibre-reinforced plasticpp. In: Wanner, A.; Weidenmann, K. A. (ed.): Verbundwerkstoffe. 19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde. Karlsruhe, Germany pp. 500–509.

Hausner, pp.; Wielage, B. (2013): Characterization of an Ag-nanopaste with respect to the sintering and thermal behavior for low-temperature joining. In: DVS-Berichte, H. Band 293, pp. 136–142.


Klärner, M.; Marburg, pp.; Kroll, L. (2012): Viscous damping of monolithic materials and hybrid composites - a deeper view. In: Rosa, pp. de; Franco, F.; Marulo, F.; Polito, T. (ed.): NOVEM 2012 Conference. Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methodpp. Sorrento, Italy, pp. 007-1 - 007-11.

Klärner, M.; Ulke-Winter, L.; Marburg, pp.; Kroll, L. (2012): Damping of thermoplastic lightweight structures - a sensitivity analysis and optimisation strategy. In: DYNACOMP 2012. International Conference on Composite Mechanics, 22.-24.05.2012. Arcachon, France .

Meyer, A.; Weise, M. (09.-13.07.2012): Adaptive FEM for Layered Anisotropic Platepp. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference. Graz, Austria.

Meyer, A.; Weise, M. (24.-26.09.2012): An a posteriori error estimator for laminated Kirchhoff platepp. 25th Chemnitz FEM Symposium. Chemnitz, Germany.

Meyer, D.; Scharf, I.; Alisch, G.; Lampke, T. (15.-18.10.2012): Post Treatment of Arc-Sprayed  Al-Coatings on Various Substrate Materials via Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation. "AAC 21st Annual International Anodizing Conference 2012". Chicago, USA.

Meyer, D.; Scharf, I.; Alisch, G.; Lampke, T. (2012): Post Treatment of Arc-Sprayed Al-Coatings on Various Substrate Materials via Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation. In: Proceedings of AAC 21st Annual International Anodizing Conference 2012. 15.-18.10.2012. Chicago, pp. 228–233.

Wielage, B.; Hoyer, I.; Hausner, pp. (2012): Induction Brazing of Alumina and Zirconia with various metalpp. In: Gourley, R.; Walker, C. (ed.): Proceedings from the 5th International Brazing and Soldering Conference. Ohio, USA: ASM International, pp. 101–108.


Meyer, A.; Weise, M. (2011): Numerical simulation of transversely isotropic material using adaptive FEM. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Jg. Volume 11, H. 1, pp. 789–790.

Meyer, A.; Weise, M. (28.-30.09.2011): Simulation of fibre reinforced polymers with adaptive FEM. 24th Chemnitz FEM Symposium. Holzhau, Germany.

Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2011): Energy -Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Eingineering. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Special Issue, Jg. 4, 2.


Günther, M.; Peter, pp.; Richter, F. (20.-24.06.2010): Optical emission spectroscopy to characterize a mid-frequency pulsed PECVD process used for a-C:H deposition. "13th Joint Vacuum Conference". Štrbské Pleso, Slowakia.

Wielage, B.; Hausner, pp.; Hoyer, I. (26.-30. Juli 2010): Induction brazing of metal-ceramic. Lausanne, Schweiz. 10th Junior Euromat.


Field of Action Logistics and Factory Planning


Götze, U.; Müller, E.; Meynerts, L.; Krones, M. (2013): Energy-Oriented Life Cycle Costing - An Approach for the Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Factory Planning. In: Neugebauer, R.; Götze, U.; Drossel, W. -G (ed.): Energieorientierte Bilanzierung und Bewertung in der Produktionstechnik - Methoden und Anwendungsbeispiele, 2. Methodenworkshop der Querschnittsarbeitsgruppe "Energetisch-wirtschaftliche Bilanzierung" des Spitzentechnologieclusters eniPROD. Tagungsband. Auerbach/V.: Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, pp. 249–272.

Hopf, H.; Müller, E. (2013): Modeling of Energy-Efficient Factories with Flow System Theory. In: Prabhu, V.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (ed.): Advances in Production Management Systems - Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chainpp. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2013. Pennsylvania, USA, Proceedings Part I, pp. 135–142.

Hopf, H.; Müller, E. (2013): Visualization of Energy. Energy Cards Create Transparency for Energy-Efficient Factories and Processepp. In: Américo Azevedo (ed.): Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1665–1676.

Krones, M.; Müller, E. (2013): Towards a methodical framework for the environmental assessment of factory systempp. In: Pinheiro Lima, Edson de; Gouvea da Costa, Sergio E. (ed.): 22nd International Conference on Production Research (ICPR). 28.07.-01.08.2013. Foz de Iguassu, Brasilien .

Lüdemann, L.; Weise, pp.; Nendel, K. (20

Müller, E.; Hopf, H.; Krones, M. (2013): Analyzing Energy Consumption for Factory and Logistics Planning Processepp. In: Emmanouilidis, C.; Taisch, M.; Kiritsis, D. (ed.): Advances in Production Management Systempp. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Servicepp. IFIP WG 5.7, International Conference. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 49–56.

Müller, E.; Krones, M.; Strauch, J. (2013): Methodical Approach to Identify Energy Efficiency Measures in Factory Planning Based on Qualitative Analysipp. In: Américo Azevedo (ed.): Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1627–1637.

Müller, E.; Poller, R.; Hopf, H.; Krones, M. (2013): Enabling Energy Management for Planning Energy-efficient Factoriepp. In: Cunha, Pedro F. (ed.): Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2013. 29.-31.05.2013. Sétubal, Portugal: Elsevier, pp. 622–627.


Müller, E. (08.06.2012): Energy efficiency in factory planning and operation. 6th Competitive Sustainable Manufacturing Forum Seminar. Tampere, Finland.

Müller, E.; Krones, M.; Hopf, H.; Arndt, R.; Strauch, J. (2012): Identifying and Responding to Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities in Factory Planning. In: Nylund, H.; Kantti, pp.; Toivonen, V.; Torvinen, pp. (ed.): 22nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2012). Helsinki/Stockholm, pp. 365–372.

Neugebauer, R.; Putz, M.; Schlegel, A.; Langer, T.; Franz, E.; Lorenz, pp. (2012): Energy-sensitive production control in mixed model manufacturing processepp. In: Dornfeld, D. A.; Linke, B. pp. (ed.): 19th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. pp. 399-404.

Putz, M.; Schlegel, A.; Franz, E.; Langer, T.; Stoldt, J. (2012): Energy-sensitive control strategies for discrete part manufacturing. In: 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. CIRP-Conference. Istanbul .

Putz, M.; Schlegel, A.; Stoldt, J.; Franz, E.; Langer, T.; Tisztl, M. (2012): A Framework for Energy-Sensitive Production Control in MEpp. In: 14th International Conference on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of Industrial Enterprises MITIP. Budapest, Ungarn, pp. 354–366.


Götze, U. (2011): Total Cost of Ownership. An Approach for Sustainable Factory Planning. In: Cimler, P. (ed.): New trends of business management in theory and practice in crossborder comparison. Marienband (Symposium New trends of business management in theory and practice in crossborder comparison), pp. 37–46.

Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2011): Energy -Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Eingineering. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Special Issue, Jg. 4, 2.

Strýhal, Z.; Dubau, M.; Schumann, A.; Schneider, D.; Richter, F. (13. – 18.3.2011): Mechanical properties of thin sputtered a-C and CNx multilayers on polymer substratepp. Poster, 75. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft DPG, Dresden, 13. – 18.3.2011.


Helmberg, C.; Fischer, A.; Rösch, N. (01.-03. Oktober 2010): Positioning machines along double-comb path structurepp. "International Conference Operations Research "Mastering Complexity"". München, Germany.

Müller, E.; Löffler, T. (26.-28.05.2010): Energy Efficiency at Manufacturing Plants - A Planning Approach. "43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems". Vienna, Austria.

Stryhal, Z.; Kupfer, H.; Schumann, A.; Sumpf, J.; Dubau, M.; Richter, F. (21.-26.03.2010): Mechanical Properties of Thin Sputtered a-C and CNx Layers on Polymer Substratepp. Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. Poster. Regensburg, 21.-26.03.2010.

Strýhal, Z.; Kupfer, H.; Schumann, A.; Sumpf, J.; Dubau, M.; Mikšová, R. et al. (13. – 17.9.2010): Mechanical and structural properties of thin sputtered a-C and CNx layers to polymer substratepp. Poster, Twelfth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 13. – 17.9.2010.

CIRP Research Group


Meza-Garcia, E.; Rautenstrauch, A.; Lachmann, L.; Drossel, W. -G (29.-30.10.2012): Microstructural and mechanical characterisation of heat treated press hardening steel sheet alloys (Poster). 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materialpp. Kassel, 29.-30.10.2012.


Neugebauer, R. (ed.) (2011): Energy -Efficient Product and Process Innovations in Production Eingineering. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Special Issue, Jg. 4, 2.

Neugebauer, R.; Avila, M.; Masek, B. (2011): Thermomechanical simulation of the service load transients of hot forging toolpp. In: Proceedings of the 8th Czech Forging Society Conference. May 10-11. Jihlava, Tschechische Republik .

Neugebauer, R.; Avila, M.; Mašek, B. (2011): Thermomechanical Simulation of the Service Load Transients of Hot Forging Toolpp. 8. Conference of the Czech Forging Institute. In: Kovárenství, H. 41, pp. 27–30.

Neugebauer, R.; Meza-Garcia, E.; Cai, H.; Lachmann, L.; Michael, D. (2011): Theoretical aspects of hot forming of sheet metals with graded characteristicpp. In: International Journal of Materials Research, Jg. 102, H. 8, pp. 993–1000.

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